Saturday, December 18, 2010

anthony and liz say "i do"

i love winter weddings, perhaps i am partial to them because i myself was a winter bride, or perhaps because they come at a time when your not booked day after day with shoots so they feel so refreshing! anthony and liz tied the knot the day after thanksgiving in a romantic candlelit ceremony.  it was a chilly, (well more like freeing) but beautiful november day and i am so glad liz trusted margie lou and i enough to let us drag her outside for some photos.  i think it was the fastest formal session ever, i think we were all frozen by the end of it, but it was so worth it! liz you were stunning, thanks for letting us capture your memories. 
giant canvas? yes please! my favorite photo.

1 comment:

Margie Lou said...

Yay! Thanks for the shout-out! The pictures look fabulous if I do say so myself! ;) Merry Christmas!